Posted by Mandy Starnes | Jun 25, 2020 | Hunting, Recipes

Did you know that you can use bear fat for baking, salves, and more? Mandy’s back to show us how to render bear fat!
I begin by cutting the bear fat into smaller cubes, approx “1.5” size.
Next, I cook the cubes in a heavy, cast-iron pot, in a 300°F oven for 3-3 &1/2 hours. Check on it occasionally to make sure that the oil isn’t smoking; if it is, you will have to turn the oven down.
The “cracklings”, aka rinds, should float to the top and look crispy after 3 & 1/2 hours. When this happens, you’ll know the bear lard is all rendered out.
If some of the cubes appear to have some fat un-rendered, be careful; bear fat that gets too hot during rendering will taste strong. It is better to stop early than to get the fat too hot, not only will it have a stronger taste, it won’t be as white as it should be.
Next, you will scoop out the rinds with a slotted spoon. You can even eat them like pork rinds if you’re so inclined.
I keep the rendered fat in quart jars. It should keep well for months in the fridge, and even years in the freezer! It’s a slow process, but well worth the wait and effort!